Back from a half-year trip through the West of the United States, I changed my residence from Mainz back to Hamburg and settled in a gardening area close to the city with my wife. In New York I made a remarkable experience: in the bookshop of the MOMA I opened a book by Emmet Gowin and a rush went up my back. With our last dollars I bought the book and the decision to get a wooden view camera was obligatory. In spring of 1978 I noticed a 4×5″ Nagaoka displayed at PPS photo store in Hamburg and convinced the manager to trade my metal 9x12cm view for that Nagaoka. This is how my love for wooden cameras started and also my shift to work basically on 4×5″. I took up the theme of industrial landscapes and gave that series the name „Untitled“, because the connection of the images was loose and not so obvious as in other series works. But from that work several new series started : caravans, haystacks, gardens, architecture…