During the summer of 1987 in rural Portugal I went out every morning by car to photograph old stables and other forms of architecture close by. Of every object found I did an all-over view and a detail, exposing only two sheets of film each time. I didn’t have any idea how and when to use the material and so it stayed about 2 years in my files before I started to think about printing. Combining the different images in one frame seemed to be not a good idea. Making a book with original prints came into my mind.

After some experiments with different types of paper, I decided for a completely hand-made book with liquid emulsion, applied by brush in the darkroom on watercolor-paper.  I printed an edition of five, using rest-material for the hinges on which I signed and numbered each print. The book-cover is made of rough brown, folded wrapping board, the back is made of leather. The binding is by screws, so it can be disassembled.