Berlin, Wilhelmstrasse. During the Nazi-Dictatorship the“Prinz Albert-Palais“ became the seat of the Gestapo. After the capitulation people lived in the remaining ruins and used the most left-over documents to light the fire in the ovens… Thereafter the site had been used for diverse purposes, and the Berlin-Wall was built in 1962 directly next to it. In 1986 historians started to excavate the foundations of several buildings, also the jail (Stadtgefängnis). They installed an open-air exhibition, which was called „Topographie des Terrors“. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a documentation-center was to be built by architect Peter Zumthor, but due to the bancrupt of Berlin, all building-activities had to stop. In 2001 I started to photograph the site for about one year. The past of this lost place could still be sensed. gave My work-title „Entschichtung“ combines Geschichte (story, history) and Schicht (layer). With the camera I tried to document the layers, before they vanish. Which they did.